Ruth Lewis

Scent and Tracking Instructor & Qualified Coach

When it comes to dogs, they have always been an important aspect of my life and especially throughout my adult life, I have always had English Springer Spaniels…two of them at a time to be exact…each time, siblings no more. I know they always say don’t get them out of the same litter but eh oh, I did!

However, it’s only been in the last couple of years that I have really experienced scent work and I’m hooked. For me, there is nothing more enjoyable than watching your dog doing a search. In fact, I am not sure who enjoys it the most, them or me?

Let me tell you about my two spaniels, Mason and Willow, they are just over 30 months old. From an early age (10 weeks) I had them searching for food. At 18 months, Willow was diagnosed with Cruciate Ligament Disease and from October 2018, over the following 12 months, had 3 major operations to correct the problem and the complications which occurred as a result of the surgery. Getting the diagnosis meant two things – certain sports like agility were going to be a no-no and how were we ever going to keep a young springer stimulated and entertained, especially when she was going to have such limited mobility for a long period of time during recovery?

Scent work was the ideal activity for her and what’s more, she absolutely loves it.

For me, I was keen to learn more and be in a position to share this knowledge with other people, hence, I am now a qualified Scent and Tracking Instructor and have completed the OCN Accredited Scent Detection Course through the UK College of Scent Dogs. I have combine this knowledge with my skills as a qualified Coach to help dog owners get the best out of themselves and their dogs when it comes to scent work.

Let me share my passion and joy for all things scent work, I think both you and your dog will enjoy it as much as we do.

Louise Jessop

Tracking Instructor & Dog Trainer

Are you looking for something fun to do with your dog? Something that will enhance your bond, and help with just about everything imaginable? Do you love to see both humans and animals come alive when they do the thing that sets their world on fire?

I do. And it’s why scent work captured me like no other dog sport.

I’m Louise and I’m owned by Casper, the cocker spaniel partly responsible for my change of career to become a dog trainer. I’ve owned dogs pretty much all my life, just not one quite like Casper. He struggled with a lot in life, and still does. Just nowhere near to the same degree. Scent work is the tool I used that made the biggest impact on my dog’s emotions, his behaviour and his everyday life. Yeh, it really has that much potential.

Dogs’ gifts know no bounds. I truly believe their friendship is like no other, and if we get that relationship spot on, the gifts they bring into our lives are immeasurable. Helping owners build the best bond they can is the ethos behind my dog training business, Connected Steps.

I am an EpicDog affiliate dog trainer, a qualification that has brought me a whole heap of knowledge both in dog behaviour and that of us humans and inspires me on a daily basis to keep learning, improving to make owners lives better. I’m also UKSCD instructor, learning Rob Hewings view on the world of scent provided me with far too many benefits to list here!

A mum of two and wife of one, I love nothing more than having a natter about dogs and their antics over an all-important decent cup of tea.

We don’t judge. We will support and understand you. We’ve most probably been there ourselves.